Project Credits

A project by
JKU – Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology
JKU – Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology
in cooperation with – Kunst und Kultur im Netz

Funded by Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz Institute of Technology (LIT), Land Oberösterreich
Supported by LINZAG, main sponsor 2024–2025

Presented at Ars Electronica Festival 2024

Project Coordination
Sabina Köfler – Department of Pathology and Molecular Pathology, JKU Linz
Jan Maximilian Janssen – Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, JKU Linz
Davide Bevilacqua – – Kunst & Kultur im Netz

jiawen uffline, Chaeyoung Kim, Błazej Kotowski, Francesco Luzzana, Simone C Niquille, Sofia Talanti

Medical advice and tissue preparation: Michelle Mottl
Tissue processing and staining: Sewmi Delana, Lisa Wurm
Image post-processing: Saad Ahmed Faisal
Lightsheet microscopy operation: Andreas Roschger – FB Chemistry and Physics of Materials, MorphoPhysics Group, University Salzburg
Image rendering advice: Joachim Smetschka – Department of Time-based and Interactive Media Arts, University of Arts Linz

Communication, Hosting, Finances: Aimilia Liontou
Technical Production & Setup: Vinzenz Landl
Photo Documentation: Sabina Piñeros
Video Editing: Eva Maria Dreisiebner
Video: Franziska Hufnagl
Graphic design: Mathilde Spitzer

Special Thanks to: University of Arts Linz, Radio FRO, STWST Maren Engelhardt, Rupert Langer, Serge Weis, John Dunlop, Johannes Roos, Michaela Hofer, Bozo Vuksan, Arndt Rohwedder, Sabine Knipp, Tobias Herbinger, Simon Neubauer, Christian Thome, Luka Prinčič, Pia Huemer, Lorenzo Iannantuoni
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